police lights

Better Not Count on an Alarm System or an Election to Protect Your Family

In a nutshell, both are common examples of expecting someone else to solve problems and protect your family. Neither paradigm nor dozens more, whereby the work of readiness is eliminated or done by others for you, will help.

A security system does one of two things: it scares off attackers/intruders (occasionally) or it informs the police that your property is under siege. Then the expectation is that the local police will race over and save the day.

Even when receiving a call from an alarm monitoring agency, the police are not obligated to respond, to protect your property, or to save your family. As unbelievable as that sounds, the Supreme Court has made such rulings on more than one occasion. The police probably will respond in an ordinary situation, but their response time may be insufficient depending on where you live. Even if they can get to your home in two minutes, if it’s an extraordinary scenario, like violent demonstrations/rioting or grid down looting causing many homes/businesses to be sieged at once, they may be understaffed and unable to get to all locations or not get to your location timely enough.

If you have concerns about the governance of your town, state, or nation and believe that electing leaders who speak to issues in alignment with your beliefs will preclude readiness, there’s probably more hope than reality in your thinking.

In your town/city, electing leaders with aligned principles may do something to instill some readiness attributes (if there is a budget and capable leadership to execute), but moving up to the state and especially the national level, in terms of safety for your family, elections provide diminishing returns—or none at all.

No presidential candidate will be elected that will initiate reforms that will trickle down to your family’s safety in a meaningful enough manner, that you can forgo instilling family readiness. There are too many scenarios that cannot be addressed through legislation or presidential decrees, that obviate readiness.

In fact, there are so many gaps and bad decisions made on the state and federal levels, that conversely, they cause the imperative for readiness. No official can swoop in and make enough changes that will free you from the responsibility of getting your family to a proper state of readiness. More sobering: many of the past detrimental governmental actions and inactions are here to stay for a long, long while.

These are harsh-sounding words, but as the title suggests, mentally avoiding the realities of our times and using hope and dependency on others to make very serious problems go away, is the path to doom.