dog and cat together

Some Family Members Require Special Readiness

There are 90 million dogs and 82 million cats living in our homes in the United States. Then there are lizards, snakes, horses, ferrets, fish, birds, small rodents, and all manner of other pets sharing our lives. We love them and care for them as if they are human family members—and sometimes more so.

Pets depend on us throughout their lives for food, care, and protection. While this responsibility can be challenging under normal circumstances, it becomes even more difficult during a crisis. The heightened demands can overwhelm pet owners, potentially making it impossible to provide adequate care, including calming a fearful animal. As a result, a calamity can quickly become tragic for these dependent animals.

Therefore, including animals as part of readiness planning and execution is vital. Last minute or afterthought considerations will likely not only cause suffering for them, but disrupt or thwart a family’s readiness and cause suffering for all.

For example, some readiness plans include bugging out to another location. If those travel plans don’t have animal accommodations for appropriate transportation needs, food, and containment, last minute adaptations may be problematic and overwhelming. How does one relocate an aquarium?

Or, what about other situations like:

    • a mandated evacuation and pets are not allowed to come?
    • a roaming criminal gang and your pets need to go outside to relieve themselves?
    • needing to rush and hide in a refuge room and you haven’t secured your pets or your dog tries to bark?
    • you need to shelter with a neighbor and they forbid your pets?
    • there’s no electricity for pumps and heaters?
    • they need fresh food and none is available?
    • they are injured?

There are many pet considerations to take into account as part of family readiness planning. Even in the planning stage, a family that thinks through an array of scenarios typically uncovers many challenges to keep their pet safe and comfortable. When tragedies strike, those that have not planned for their non-human family members or have done so minimally, unfortunately realize their mistake as their pets pay the price.

If you aren’t sure how to achieve sufficient readiness for your pets or what risks they may face from specific types of crises, tap the I Need Readiness Now button for a free 15-minute readiness consultation.